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I'm doing CNE? I'm doing CNE!!!

Man, it's hard to stay focussed in the summer. All the work I should be doing, is piled up on the cutting table, judging me every time I walk past with no intention of touching it. 

Now, what always happens, is happening. My "I've got plenty of time before the show!"'s have turned into "Son of a Nutcracker, I have less than a month??!!"'s. Why do I do this... every... time! 

*stands up and raises her hand*

Because I am a procrastinator. Hello.

I'm not saying I haven't been busy doing stuff... but I've been busy doing the fun stuff. Designing future collections, planning future fabrics, painting, playing with samples, looking for future fabrics, future images, future future future.

I have a show in less than a month. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I'm doing the CNE in Toronto. That's right! I'm doing the EX!! It will be the longest (18 day) show I have ever done. I will be in the Arts and Crafts Pavillion (Hobbies and Crafts maybe?). Come say hello!

I have never done this show and I am very much looking forward to it! I'm not sure what to expect but I hope I get to meet tons of wonderful people, and I can't wait!

See you at The Ex!!


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