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Thank you and Happy New Year!

Trying to find the words to express my gratitude to you all this past year. Thinking back to those first couple of days, back in March, when the word "pandemic" had finally been said. I remember a few days earlier, thinking "just don't say pandemic... just don't say pandemic...". And there it was. The uncertainty, the panic. ⁠

Had I known then, the support that was yet to come. I am so thankful to all the small business supporters that came out in full force in 2020. Not just for me, but for all of us. We're all saying the same thing. You guys are amazing. "Small business" became such a focus for you all. And for that, I thank you. For checking in, for supporting, for allowing me to continue doing what I love, for playing. Thank you. ❤️⁠

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